A script has divided the whole corpus in minutes and reordered the minutes by their amplitude or frequency. The amplitude sequences contain the 10 files with the higher amplitude and the 10 files with the lowest.

In 1993, Apple released the Newton MessagePad, the first so-called "Personal Digital Assistant". A kind of forerunner to today's smart phones, the device worked as a kind of digital notepad, allowing free form entry of both text and drawing mixed together on the same virtual page. The user wrote with a plastic pen- like stylus, the movements digitized and converted into "electronic ink" and each note stamped with a date and time. The devices handwriting recognition converted the user's writing into text on-the-fly, a famously buggy process that became (to Apple's chagrin) synonymous with the product. However, with some practice and patience, the device was said to "learn" from its user, and (more effectively) a compliant user could adapt his or her own writing to the device. Erkki was a natural for this kind of digital symbiosis and gave himself over fully to the machine.

Audio grep is the result of searching Erkki's Newton diary entries for phrases containing a particular term, and reading them with a text to speech algorithm.

Bonus tracks
Iconic fragments picked up when preparing the dataradio.
Description of an image
Beyond just a graphical display of it's pixels, a digital image can be read in a number of ways. Description of an image is an electronic reading of the (meta)data written by the camera of a particular digital image among the hundreds of thousands Kurenniemi captured.

Maybe the right approach to Erkki's archive, it's chance. P.Ratsas

The corpus of Erkki's cassettes has been divided in small units by different scripts and rearranged to form fragments. A script has divided the cassettes in random fragments of a length between 1 and 10 minutes. Another one associates the individual seconds according different rules of permutation. The fragments are heterogeneous assemblages of samples from different files that provoke chance associations and give a sense of the variety and richness of the audio material.
Gradual Average
The gradual average is produced by gradually overlaying all the cassettes. Every minute a new cassette file is overlayed until we obtain a superposition of twenty cassettes. Then the layers are progressively removed and new ones added until all cassettes files have been added and removed.
Behind the scenes of the Erkki Kurenniemi's archive.